
storage - dosing - conveying  


Sultan Makina Ltd.Sti.

+90-226 353 21 21


tubular screw conveyor

SCREW Conveyor

Horizontal screw conveyors are the most widely used type of screw conveyor. Used to convey bulk materials from one part of a process to another, horizontal screw conveyors are available in a wide range of sizes, lengths, configurations and materials of construction.

screw conveyor

Mechenical CONVEYORS

AISI 304-316 Products,Trough Screw Conveyor, Spiral Conveyor, Tubular Conveyor

cema screw conveyors

Screw Conveyors are one of the oldest and simplest devices used for the movement of bulk materials. Our screw conveyor systems are compact and easily adapted to congested locations. They can be used as a mixer or agitator, mixing and blending dry or wet ingredients. Screw conveyors are available in a wide variety of materials resistant to corrosion, abrasion, and heat. Horizontal, inclined, or vertical conveyors are also available.
-Inlet is always control fed
-Trough loading of 15, 30, and 45%
-Volumetric conveying device
Multi Screw Conveyors are used as screw feeders and may consist of twin, triple, or quadruple screws, side by side. They provide a means of moving a wide variety of material from bins or hoppers at a constant and controlled rate of flow.
The inlet is usually flooded with material (100% loaded)
Volumetric metering device Ribbon Flight Conveyors consist of sectional flights, butt-welded to form a continuous helix. The flights are secured to the center pipe by supporting legs. Ribbon flight conveyors are used to convey tacky, gummy, or viscous substances, or in applications where the material tends to adhere to the flighting and pipe.
Paddle Screw Conveyors are used in applications where material needs to be mixed before reaching its destination. Adjustable paddles provide complete mixing action and controlled material flow. Conveying action can be controlled by adjusting the angle of the paddles.
Screw Feeders move a wide variety of material from bins or hoppers at a constant and controlled rate of flow. One or more tapered or variable pitch screws convey the material at the required rate. Screw feeders are available in a variety of types to suit specific materials and applications.
-Inlet is always flood loaded
-100% trough loading at inlet
-Volumetric metering device
Shaftless Screw Conveyor systems are used in applications where particle sizes are large. They do not require hanger bearings because there is no center pipe. Typical applications include bottling plants, rendering, recycling plants, and wastewater treatment.
Transfer sticky or viscous bulk materials from one location to another
Conveyor or feeder design
Volumetric conveying or feeding device
The DOSERAY is used to separate, classify, and dewater grit from wastewater and grit slurries.
-Heavy-duty design and construction
-Large settling basin separates solids from liquids
-Typically used in municipal wastewater applications
-High-torque drive to handle upset conditions
-Support legs for elevation requirements
Heat Transfer Screw Conveyor systems cool or heat bulk materials during conveyance. These units feature special tubular jacketed housings.
-Heat transfer mediums include water, glycol, steam, and hot oil
-Indirect heat transfer device
-Available in hollow-flight design
Pressurized Screw Conveyors use tubular or pipe housing with ANSI flanges, or a reinforced U-trough. This type of conveyor is used for conveying various types of chemicals, and in fire-suppression applications.

screw conveyor   screw conveyorscrew conveyor




The five steps are:

Establish characteristics of the bulk material to be conveyed.
Determine conveyor size and speed based on capacity.
Calculate horsepower requirements.
Verify torque rating of components.
Select conveyor components.

Advantages of UsIng Screw Conveyors

Ideal for conveying dry to semi-fluid bulk materials – free flowing to sluggish
Cost-effective when compared to other conveying devices such as belt, pneumatic or aeromechanical
Efficiently distributes bulk materials to various locations using multiple inlet and discharge points
Totally enclosed for dusty, corrosive or hazardous environments


Screw conveyors move materials either horizontally, on an incline or vertically. They are used to feed, distribute, collect or mix and can be equipped to either heat or cool while performing this transfer. With the proper cover and gasketing, they are easily made dust or weather tight and rodent proof.

product RANGE


Extreme Versatility: Several options and parts combinations are available for conveying a wide variety of materials in many different markets.
Mixing: The normal rotation of the screw when conveying material also lifts and tumbles the product, which makes a screw conveyor an efficient mixer.
Simultaneous Conveyance in Two Directions: Combining right-hand and left-hand flights produces bidirectional conveyance.
Ready Reversibility: No need for soft-start units.
High-temperature Materials: Properly applied screw conveyors can handle product at temperatures above 1000 degree F.
Abrasive Materials: Many special materials and hard-coating options are available to extend screw life in extremely abrasive applications.
Flood Loading Capability: Screw feeders are very efficient and reliable in regulating feed to downstream equipment. The screw diameter, pitch combination, pipe size, and flight configuration can be customized to solve specific bin unloading requirements.
Total Enclosure Screw Conveyor Systems:
Completely enclosed systems protect the environment from the product being handled (dust-tight) and/or protect the conveyed material from the environment.
Large Lump Size: Within industry guidelines, conveyance of pieces up to 7-1/2” is possible.
Multiple Inlets or Discharges: Intermediate inlets and/or discharges are readily added.

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  • Label: screw conveyor, tubular conveyor, u conveyor, tubular screw conveyor, trough screw conveyor, mechanical conveyor, U trough screw conveyors, helicoid screw conveyor, trough screw conveyor
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