
storage - DOsıng - conveyıng   


Sultan Makina Ltd.Sti.

+90-226 353 21 21



 yogunfaz transfer 2yogunfaz transfer
DOSERAY dilute phase pneumatic conveying systems range from single-point "up-and-in" installations to cross-plant systems with multiple pick-up and discharge points and automated controls, satisfying an exceptionally wide range of bulk conveying applications. All are custom-engineered and fully integrated with other DOSERAY equipment and systems, and your new or existing process.

DOSERAY dilute phase pneumatic conveying systems move bulk materials that are suspended in an air stream that is introduced by a positive pressure blower upstream of material intake points, or by a vacuum pump that removes air from the system downstream of material discharge points. Material is separated from the conveying air at the use point, then discharged on a batch basis via butterfly or slide gate valves, or continuously via rotary airlock valves.

Easy conveyor line routing
Since conveyor lines can be routed vertically and in any horizontal direction, over short or long distances, through small holes in walls or ceilings, DOSERAY systems are easy to integrate into production environments in which process equipment and other obstacles often exist, while consuming minimal floor space.

Diversity of products handled by one conveyor
Powders having wide ranging bulk densities, as well as flakes, pellets, capsules, tablets and other friable materials, can be handled by a single DOSERAY pneumatic conveyor, providing the flexibility needed to transport multiple ingredients.

Total evacuation
DOSERAY systems fully evacuate the vessel being discharged and the conveyor line itself, minimizing cross-contamination of multi-ingredient systems. Complete transfer of material also ensures that individual and consolidated batch ingredients reach their destinations accurately by weight, maximizing quality while minimizing waste.
dılute phase conveyıng
hava kilidipnömatik transfer
  • Positive pressure dilute phase pneumatic conveying systems are typically employed to convey bulk materials from a single source to one or multiple destinations, over longer distances and with greater capacity than possible using vacuum systems.

    These systems utilize a positive displacement blower with single or multiple downstream material entry points, each of which meters product into conveying lines by means of a rotary airlock valve that maintains the pressure differential between the ambient atmosphere and that of the conveying line. Material and air blown through the line exit at single or multiple use points where they are separated by means of a filter receiver or cyclone separator, or fed directly into process vessels that are vented to downstream dust collection devices.

    Pressure systems offer higher efficiency than vacuum systems, can convey over longer distances, and can blow directly into process and storage vessels without the use of a rotary airlock valve
  • Vacuum conveyıng
    vakum transport

    Vacuum dilute phase pneumatic conveying systems are generally employed for transporting material from multiple sources such as storage vessels, process equipment, trucks and railcars, to individual or multiple destinations. Unlike positive pressure systems, vacuum systems allow easy pick-up of materials from open containers using wands, and do not impart heat to the material. Since vacuum systems offer superior leak containment, they are often specified on the basis of cleanliness, particularly when handling hazardous materials. Negative pressure is created by a positive displacement vacuum pump located at the downstream end of the system. Material typically enters the system via upstream rotary airlock valves, hand-held pick-up wands, and non-flow-through/flood-feed pick-up adapters, and exits the system through filter receivers or cyclone separators that separate the material from the conveying air directly above process equipment, surge hoppers, storage vessels or other discharge points.
    In addition, vacuum conveying is suited to direct feeding of blenders, reactors and other enclosed process vessels that are put under vacuum by a line terminating at a downstream bag house or other dust collection device, eliminating the need for individual filter receivers or cyclone separators above each discharge point.


    MechanıcAL conveyors
      helezon imalat
    Screw Conveyors are one of the oldest and simplest devices used for the movement of bulk materials. Our screw conveyor systems are compact and easily adapted to congested locations. They can be used as a mixer or agitator, mixing and blending dry or wet ingredients. Screw conveyors are available in a wide variety of materials resistant to corrosion, abrasion, and heat. Horizontal, inclined, or vertical conveyors are also available.
    -Inlet is always control fed
    -Trough loading of 15, 30, and 45%
    -Volumetric conveying device
    Multi Screw Conveyors are used as screw feeders and may consist of twin, triple, or quadruple screws, side by side. They provide a means of moving a wide variety of material from bins or hoppers at a constant and controlled rate of flow.
    The inlet is usually flooded with material (100% loaded)
    Volumetric metering device Ribbon Flight Conveyors consist of sectional flights, butt-welded to form a continuous helix. The flights are secured to the center pipe by supporting legs. Ribbon flight conveyors are used to convey tacky, gummy, or viscous substances, or in applications where the material tends to adhere to the flighting and pipe.
    Paddle Screw Conveyors are used in applications where material needs to be mixed before reaching its destination. Adjustable paddles provide complete mixing action and controlled material flow. Conveying action can be controlled by adjusting the angle of the paddles.
    Screw Feeders move a wide variety of material from bins or hoppers at a constant and controlled rate of flow. One or more tapered or variable pitch screws convey the material at the required rate. Screw feeders are available in a variety of types to suit specific materials and applications.
    -Inlet is always flood loaded
    -100% trough loading at inlet
    -Volumetric metering device

  • Labels: pneumatic conveying, mechanic conveying, screw conveying system,vacuum conveying, dosing systems